
Uber on the Move Again

We last wrote about a change in Uber’s brand logo three years ago, and it seems that they are at it again. This time, the change is on the back of a lot of negative publicity over the last year as well as a new CEO.

The brand consultancy Wolff Olins created the new look and say that it focuses on a new set of ideals in “safety, accessibility and global ambitions” and talk about “telling a global mobility story”. They have also launched an advertising campaign called “Doors are always opening” to roll out the new look. The campaign shows different examples of people fulfilling their ambitions (does this sound a bit like a global banking campaign?).

The logo is definitely an improvement on the last three years with a friendly looking font and a clearly recognizable “U” and company name now visible in the logo and smartphone apps. Uber say that they want “absolute simplicity and legibility”, which begs the question of why they ever moved to a symbol of a square inside a circle. Arguably, Uber is now a verb and it makes sense to make maximum leverage from the name, which whatever you think of it has high levels of awareness around the world.What do you think?

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