
The sound of toothbrushing? (Importance of Brand esSense #23)

TapestryWorks have always believed in the power of sonic logos (for example, Direct Line here and Mastercard here). Sonic branding is a highly effective way for brands to differentiate themselves, and Colgate are the latest to introduce one that they believe is memorable, modern and reflects their core brand promise, “Optimism in Action”.

According to the agency that developed the sonic logo, it incorporates the human hum as the perfect timbre, including both male and female notes, and the choice of key (D Major) reflects its optimistic nature. It was designed to work across a wide variety of contexts and countries, with the flexibility to adapt to local markets and specific needs.

Kudos to Colgate for realizing the power of sound to connect people with brands and their underlying meaning and values. You can see (and hear) more here.



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